Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kahe masti kutse / Call of the two masts

Tara mastid lumisel horisondil, Tara masts at the snowy horizon

Tara triivi ajal, merejääl liikudes, järgisime üht teatud tüüpi reeglit. Mis iganes kaugustesse ja suundadesse jalad meid laevast kandsid, oli üks kindel pidepunkt, mida meeles tuli pidada ja silmadel otsida lasta – need olid Tara kaks masti, mida oma nägemisulatuses hoidsime. Olles meile justkui majakaks, kutsusid nad tagasi “koju” ainsasse varjupaika sel lõputul avarusel.
Küllap vist mingis tähenduses püsib kahe masti kutse alati nende hinges, kes selle laevaga kord lähemalt seotud on olnud.

During Tara drift, we were following one certain rule when moving on sea ice. Whatever distances and directions our feet were carrying us from the ship, there was one thing you had to keep in mind and let your eyes look for it – these were two masts of Tara, what we kept in our visual range. Like a lighthouse, they were calling us back “home” the only shelter we had on this vast expanse.
Perhaps in some meaning the two masts call will always stay in those hearts, who once have been closely connected with this ship. 

Tara transpolaarne triiv 2007 / Tara transpolar drift 2007